. . .any sound you can imagine can be yours. . .

This page has been a placeholder for several years while I only used this domain for emails.  I realize I have enough things out there now that people are actively finding this site so I'm putting up some info.

Mockingboard v1a - This is a board I originally did that was sold through ReactiveMicro. I am still making batches of them and when available they are sold at Henry's new co-venture, Ultimate Micro. If you are looking for one, check there.

MPC60 SCSI Card - This is a SCSI board for the MPC60.  It is slightly different then the original card in that it has 50pin SCSI connectors on it.  Two of them, one male one right-angle female.  This allows you to plug an IDE/SCSI bridge right into the SCSI card.   Also there are 4 power connectors on the board where the original has 2. This does require  OS3.10 which I do not supply as you can still buy this from Roger Linn.

There will be 3 ordering options on this card.

1.  Original workalike.  Card, jumper wires, and standoffs.  Plus a 50pin SCSI cable and a 50/25pin board to mount on the back panel. 

This after installation is just like the original card.

I am almost ready to sactually ship this option, at least a few of them. I have had many distractions over the last few months...

2. Internal SD card option.  Card, jumper wires, and standoffs.  40pin IDE cable.  SD Card bridge.  Power cables for all.

If you already have a SCSI/IDE bridge card that you know works with the MPC60, this is everything you need to install it internally in the MPC60.  I supply a bracket for the SDcard bridge that I make by hand, so its not pretty but works.

3. Internal SD card option with SCSI/IDE Bridge.  Card, jumper wires, and standoffs.  40pin IDE cable. SD Card Bridge. Acard SCSI/IDE bridge.

This is everything you need to plug an SD Card into your MPC60 ( except, as mentioned, OS3.10 ). **THIS OPTION ON HOLD** This is one of the things that derailed me. I've had reliablility issues with the SCSI bridge cards I got and just haven't been able to spend the time to nail down exactly whats going on. They may only work with CF, I'm not positive at this time.

I'm very short on time right now so I have been unable to stuff boards and get things ready for shipping.  You can drop me an email ( tom@ this domain ) and I'll get back to you with info.

MPC60 Memory Card - I got bored and made some memory boards for the MPC60.  I only have a few memory chips.  If you have chips I can sell you a stuffed board with empty sockets or while I have chips I can sell a complete tested board ready to plug in.  Also comes with the required standoff for mounting.   Note : If you did the piggybacked memory upgrade and want a board to "clean things up" ( as I did ), you may have issues unless you really get the pins clean on the connector.

update : I am stuffing boards now. For the first batch I will only have fully-populated boards. ETA is early march 2013.

Anyhow, thats where things are at the moment.  I have all the boards, I have the parts, I'm lacking on time to assemble and test things.  Drop me an email and pester me if you're interested...